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Area 10

Milton Keynes Western Expansion Area Parcels 10.3E (Parts 1 & 2) and 10.3F (Parts 1 & 2), Watling Street H3 to H4, Milton Keynes Milton Keynes MK19


All amenity and infrastructure spaces and strategic landscaping are subject to a separate approval for a wider area. Our design proposal takes into account the presence of Whitehouse Park and of the green corridors to the north of Whitehouse Farm and to the West of the site.

Planning History

The Western Expansion Area (WEA) Development Framework was prepared and adopted by Milton Keynes Council as Supplementary Planning Guidance in June 2005 to set out a comprehensive approach to the future development of the site and to ensure an orderly sequence of infrastructure phasing and development.\r\nOutline planning permission 05/00291/MKPCO was granted in 2007 for “demolition of all buildings, except WhitehouseFarm House, residential development up to approximately 4330 units, a range of employment uses including Class B1, B2 & B8 uses, erection of a secondary school and 3 primary schools a mixed-use centre community uses, indoor sports and other leisure facilities, burial ground, associated structural landscaping, open space & play area associated highways & infrastructure improvements.” The “Milton Keynes Western Expansion Area -Residential Design Code. Area 10.3 Code Phase 3” was approved in February 2013 and Revised in September 2014 (rev M). Area 10.3 will contain approximately 950 dwellings, a school, a number of areas of open space and a reserved site for future community uses.\r\nThe Reserved matters submission for WEA Parcels 10.3E (Parts 1 & 2) and 10.3F (Parts 1 & 2), Watling Street H3 to H4, Milton Keynes in relation to outline permission 05/00291/MKPCO for siting, design and external appearance of 230 dwellings and access arrangements and landscaping within the site was validated in October 2015 and approved on 24tn February 2016.