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The Crewyard

Land at North Wingfield Road, Grassmoor, Derbyshire Chesterfield S42 5DJ


The scheme has been designed to create a crew-yard feel, with a central shared space courtyard contained by the the housing and their integral boundary walls - the courtyard is finished in setts [which will be a private road in the ownership of South Yorkshire Housing Association]. Parking has been integrated into this space alongside small areas of soft landscaping and trees to provide discrete visual breaks. The courtyard has been oriented to provide all units with views over the adjacent green-belt. Private gardens are contained behind the crew-yard walls.

Planning History

The site is within the greenbelt and was designated as a rural exemption site. The scheme for 11 affordable houses on behalf of South Yorkshire Housing Association was developed in close consultation with the LA and received a strong recommendation for approval from the LA planning department on two separate occasions. On both occasions the scheme was refused by the planning committee against officer advice. The scheme was allowed by the Planning Inspectorate via a written representations appeal.\\r\\n\\r\\nAppeal Ref: APP/R1038/W/15/3049399. Allowed 19.10.15\\r\\nPlanning App Ref: 14/01100/FL dated 27.10.14 refused 20.02.15\\r\\n\\r\\nPreviously the site had benefitted from an outline planning approval for residential development.