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Trevenson Park South Pool Redruth Cornwall TR15 3PW


The arrangement of buildings forms a series of spaces throughout the site and the differing types of accommodation are arranged to compliment them. These aim to provide differing types of communal amenity space and present a journey of spaces when passing through the site. Upon entering from Manchester Road the main street leads to an orchard square. Largely hard landscaped, the square it is fronted on one side by a multi-functional community space which will be available to all local residents. In the south-east corner of the site a large playground provides an area of green space for play and is sited in front of residential units enabling natural surveillance, private amenity space is enjoyed by all of the houses, while the private courtyard provides both an attractive courtyard space and encourages community interaction. Within the apartment block on the junction of Manchester Road and Buckley street (block c) it is proposed to provide each apartment with a small private terrace area on the roof containing a small timber shed.

Planning History

Prior to submission of our planning application meetings were held with a Council planning officers to establish the principle and design of a residential scheme. An outline application was submitted by Ollier Smurthwaite Architects on 21st January 2015 (Ref: 15/00030/OUT). The submission detailed the proposals at a level commensurate with a full planning application and Planning permission was granted on 19th November 2015.