Beaulieu Heath
Beaulieu Heath Centenary Way Off White Hart Lane Chelmsford Essex CM1 6TD Chelmsford CM1 6TD
Every dwelling has access to private amenity either gardens, large terraces or balconies. In addition at the heart of the development there is a shared communal space, which benefits the residents, the community centre and the local community. Also integrated into the landscaping is a 5 aside football pitch which is managed by the community centre.\\r\\n\\r\\nThe car parking is hidden within the level change of the site allowing the landscaping to be the focal point of the residential accommodation.
Planning History
We worked together with ward councillors, executive members and Southwark's Planning Policy team at an early pre-planning stage, to ensure our outline proposals for a mixed-use residential and community development were incorporated into the Canada Water Area Action Plan. This meant the principle of the development was fully supported by policy. We also undertook extensive public consultations to ensure that we received full support from the local residents.