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PegasusLife Park House

James Marshall House Leyton Road Harpenden AL5 2JB


The scheme includes a public Pocket Park to its Alcester Road and Station Approach frontage. This key public space includes cattle hooves playfully cast into concrete and a reclaimed drinking trough found on the site reminding us of its agricultural trading past. There is a children's play space within the residential part of the scheme. The Extra care scheme has secure courtyard gardens and shared roof terraces with views to the Welcombe Hills. The majority of apartments and houses have generous balconies and gardens.

Planning History

The scheme was presented at 4 no. Pre-Application meetings with the LPA championing the quality of the design and the important contribution the scheme would make to Stratford-upon-Avon. The design was reviewed by 'MADE' Design Review Panel including site visits with the panel, client and Architect with the design being strongly endorsed.