The Gables
Former Chinese Chef Factory Musker Street Crosby Liverpool L23 0UB
The landscape proposals are a response to the place, taking reference from its particular location within the town. The design of the residential landscape can be divided into distinct character areas. The spaces adjacent to the building are primarily paved walkways and private terraces with a more informal woodland feel beneath the existing woodland. The site is characterised by the existing woodland that surrounds the proposed building and much has been done to retain these mature woodland characteristics to provide a rich setting for a new residential landscape. On arrival at the site, hedge-lined plant beds provide a formal entrance which directs vehicles to the north of the site and residents to the southern entrance along a gently sloping path. To the right of this path a large plant bed creates privacy for residents as well as a visually rich journey towards the building entrance. To the left of the path a communal lawn with swathes of flower rich meadow around a large copper beech tree creates the heart of the new community and allows access to the mature woodland with improved understory planting. Private and communal patios are located adjacent to apartments and key communal facilities and provide privacy using planting as well as views out into the mature woodland landscape.
Planning History
Project Launch Meeting -2 July 2014 Community Consultation -August - September 2014 Application Submission -28 November 2014 Submission of supplementary information -24 April 2015 and 11 June 2015 Planning Committee -17 June 2015 Decision -29 July 2015: approved subject to conditions