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The Bridge

Bridge House South Street Farnham GU9 7RS


Ground floor & active frontages\r\nThe proposals maximize the extent of active frontages by creating a ring of residential duplex units that surround a covered ground level car park with landscaped communal gardens above. Communal entrance lobbies to each block are located at the most prominent corners. Frontage to ancillary uses such as refuse and cycle storage sit under the podium and in between buildings. \r\nGround floor maisonettes\r\nThese units are accessible from street level and avoid sleeping accommodation at ground level. All units are provided with private external amenity areas in the form of generous front gardens (up to 3.5m deep) that also act as defensible space from the street.\r\nPodium Gardens \r\nThe proposals include a landscaped private courtyard at first floor that provides amenity for all residents of blocks B, C, D and E. All units at upper levels are provided with external amenity spaces in the form of either outboard or inset balconies with the exception of the units that face the courtyard, which are provided with terraces.\r\nThe podium garden areas were designed to create pockets of communal space that provide a diverse range of experiences and are pleasant to look at, recognizing its role as visual amenity for the residents of upper levels. \r\nCourtyard houses\r\nThese family units are single dwellings facing a communal garden to the south and a mews street to the north. Each unit is provided with its own cycle and refuse storage area. The Garden Mews to the south is gated and vehicular access is limited to emergency vehicles. The Central Mews to the north is a shared surface and accommodates private parking to the 16houses.\r\nLandscape & materials\r\nThe ground level landscape areas will be unified through a consistent use of material; concrete setts will provide the base for shared surface footways and the carriageway. Natural stone is used at selected areas such as front gardens. Street trees are proposed along Christchurch Way complimented with colourful feature trees, marking ends of mews and corners of buildings to assist with natural wayfinding for the whole area.

Planning History

Greenwich Peninsula West Master Plan \r\nThe site sits within the Greenwich Peninsula West SPD (adopted in 2012) which sets out the Council's intentions for mixed-use development on the western part of the Greenwich Peninsula. It seeks to transform the area from former industrial use to residential led mixed use developments and create a new high quality urban quarter. \r\n \r\nRoyal Borough of Greenwich (RBG)\r\nNumerous discussions were held with planning, housing, occupational therapist and transportation officers to discuss the principles of the scheme. The issues arising in these discussions included building heights, design quality and scale, density, provision of wheelchair units, traffic generation and vehicular accesses, amenity space(s) and planning obligations. \r\n\r\nGreater London Authority (GLA)\r\nTwo pre-application meetings have been held with the GLA which expressed support for the overall design proposals for the scheme. The GLA commented on the innovative design of the courtyard houses and recommended the design of the scheme positively to the Mayor. \r\n\r\nDesign Council CABE\r\nThe early design proposals were presented to CABE in December 2013. CABE confirmed its support for the design approach to the residential podium block, including the articulation of the elevations, materials and podium landscape design. \r\n\r\nThe Pre application process started in July 2013 and the Application was formally submitted in January 2014. Consent was granted in October the same year. Following that a Non Material amendment was submitted and approved in December 2014.