Electricity House
Colston Avenue Bristol BS1 4TB
The development lines all frontages surrounding the site and by doing so provides a formal and recognisable \\r\\ntownscape and street frontage to the siteboundaries. This formal approach lines the commercial building frontage \\r\\ndirectly onto Ladbroke Grove with the remaining surrounding streets of Kensal Road,West Row and Southern \\r\\nRow being lined with residential mansion blocks.\\r\\nThe residential buildings are all afforded generous front gardens with front doors onto the street creating a consistent \\r\\ntreatment. This is most recognisable from West Row. Kensal Road frontage allows front gardens to face onto a small \\r\\npark area set back from the road, whilst Southern Row provides the greater setbacks with large private gardens onto \\r\\nthe larger family maisonettes. Southern Row also contains a small pocket park at the junction of West Row.\\r\\nThe setting of these buildings then, along with the topography of the site allows for a landscaped podium courtyard to \\r\\nbe sited in the centre of the development.\\r\\nAccess to the courtyard is provided directly from Ladbroke Grove with the atrium to the commercial building giving, \\r\\nthrough its design, a route to the residential units. It is intended that this is the primary route to the residential buildings, whilst additional routes are given from the surrounding street frontages.
Planning History
Outline consent was granted to an extent of development area and use class in January 2012.\\r\\nReserved Matters planning application submitted in May 2013\\r\\nFinal approval was received on October 2013.