PegasusLife Hortsley
7 Sutton Park Road Seaford, East Sussex BN25 1QX
All apartments have at least one private external terrace. All mews houses have private external space on the ground floor and a private external terrace. All residents have access to the communal garden and re-opened feeder canal at the heart of the development. The development is immediately adjacent a public park to the north and faces onto a small public park to the south.
Planning History
Outline planning permission (ref. 97/0131) was granted for the comprehensive redevelopment of the Stonebridge Estate in September 1997. Additionally, outline planning permission (ref. 07/3309) was granted in December 2008 for a 122 unit scheme on the 'Spring' site and a subsequent extension of time application to extend the time permitted for reserved matters by three years (ref. 11/3054). Detailed planning permission for a 117 unit scheme on the 'Spring' site was granted in June 2013 (ref. 12/3026)