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Shell Cove

Shell Cove House 19 Old Teignmouth Road Dawlish EX7 0NJ


A shared central green space for both residents and public is protected from the railway by the proposed buildings accessed from Kett Way through the reclaimed Rattee and Kett arched gateway and from Harrison Drive between the proposed buildings. Informal play, seating and public art is provided and overlooked by the dwellings, private balconies and also private gardens at ground floor, separated by low gates and planting. An existing balancing pond retained for water attenuation also provides a visual amenity and a place for nature surrounded by green space for informal use. The reuse of 12 standing stones by Lida Kindersley will be positioned amongst the new landscape.

Planning History

Historically the site was a light industrial area that housed an existing set of buildings of the Rattee and Kett Stone Mason works and offices until circa 1996. Homerton College purchased the 3 acres site along Hills Road in 2011 and proceeded with developing an outline masterplan for student accommodation, education facilities and residential units. Outline Approval for the masterplan was achieved 15.09.2014. bptw have been involved with the detailed planning application working with the planning department to push the parameters of the approval through the Reserved Matters application. This process resulted in; * an increased number of units through the provision of an additional storey whilst remaining within the height parameters * adjusted massing utilising pop-up elements and set back elevations * re-designing the layout to maximise the number of dual aspect apartments * a high quality, contemporary scheme Detailed planning approval via Reserved Matters was granted 06.02.2015 with the report stating: 'The development is of a high quality design and would provide a high standard of residential amenity for future occupiers.'