Kipling Garage Site
Kipling Estate Garages Weston Street London SE1 3RL
Every flat has been provided with a generous balcony facing south or west towards adjacent communal gardens. Maisonettes have private terraces on the ground floor and a defensible space to the street. All of the balconies have an area that meets or exceeds the minimum standards set out in the London Housing Design Guide. In addition the development will have a generous communal roof terrace looking across the adjacent Leathermarket Gardens and a communal garden at ground floor that will extend the existing communal garden on the estate.
Planning History
The unusual nature of the project has resulted in a high level of scrutiny, interest and support from Local Planning Officers. Preliminary meetings were held with Planning Officers and the Head of Planning early in the project in February 2015, before submission of a pre-application submission in May 2015. This was supplemented with a presentation to the Southwark Design Review Panel in May 2015. A detailed planning application was submitted in September 2015 and received an unprecedented level of support from the local community.