Aylesbury First Development Site
Aylesbury Estate, Albany Road London SE17
The public realm design for Hungate will provide a variety of possible uses within a range of distinct character areas of open space. The large green space of St Johns Square forms the central focus to the scheme, with connecting streets linking to surrounding open spaces and riverside. The river frontage combines a walkway for pedestrians as well as an attractive riverside area for residents and visitors. The masterplan has been designed to achieve a continuous pedestrian/ cycle only area (with controlled access for emergency vehicles and servicing).
Planning History
The Hungate site is allocated for development of a mix of uses in the City of York Local Plan (4th set of changes 2005). The site is outside, but adjacent to, the York City Centre Historic Core Conservation Area, and a number of listed buildings are located nearby. Phase 3 comprises building D by JTP, as well as building F by Feilden+Mawson architects. A hybrid planning application for Phase 3 received approval on 10 December 2015.