Olive Road
Olive Road Cricklewood London NW2
Home Field Meadow is an existing semi-improved grassland meadow containing a collection of historically and culturally significant mature walnut trees which will be retained and incorporated into the scheme, subject to their health and condition. It has a strong and well established landscape character that is unique to the site. Landscape proposals seek to preserve this sense of place while new layers in the landscape will be introduced to enhance the landscape and allow the sensitive integration of Beaulieu Heath. The layout of the park responds to the existing features and character by maintaining the sense of scale and its open nature. Paths and vistas enrich the experience for people who pass through, presenting visual and physical links between parks and open spaces.
Planning History
Chelmsford City Council has resolved to grant outline planning permission (ref: 09/01314/EIA) for a new sustainable neighbourhood of up to 3,600 new homes and up to 62,300 sqms of employment floorspace including new business park, retail, hotel, leisure, open space, education & community facilities, landscaping, new highways, including a radial distributor road, public transport provisions and associated and ancillary development, including full details in respect of roundabout access from Essex Regiment Way & a priority junction from White Hart Lane. Beaulieu Heath forms one of the first phases of development to gain Reserved Matters Approval with construction due to be finished in May 2016. This first phase of development consists of 49 houses (1 two beds, 18 three beds, 20 four beds and 10 five beds) with associated infrastructure, servicing, landscaping, 134 parking spaces, felling of walnut tree (TPO139/2008) mitigation, and public open space. Community involvement has been an important part of the design process. Beaulieu Heath was subject to a public consultation exercise undertaken in June 2013, which comprised of a public exhibition and a set of stakeholder briefing meetings. The stakeholders involved included the Springfield Parish Council, Boreham Parish Council, local ward councillors and cabinet members. It is the only part of the Beaulieu scheme where development is proposed adjacent to existing dwellings; primarily the properties along Albemarle Link. Specific efforts were therefore been made to engage with residents and after successive meetings the proposals were refined, and the evolving design of the scheme took account of the public feedback.