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Albert Wharf

Albert Wharf Wandsworth Bridge Road London SW6 2TY


The setting for the new development has been transformed into a homezone creating new public realm with a social character. The urban design maintains existing pedestrian routes through to adjacent streets retaining connection to the wider street pattern. Each house includes a generous, secure rear garden and front gardens incorporating off-street parking. Front gardens are demarcated from the public realm and new homezone via a combination of naturalistic landscape features: gabions, trees and planting beds and hedges forming green walls. This approach creates a softer, less urban feel to the development befitting its context.

Planning History

The development for Southern Housing Group is replacing the existing block of sheltered accommodation now demolished and aims to provide homes that are low on energy consumption yet comfortable and healthy for the residents to live in. Supplementary funding was provided by Isle of Wight council to achieve Passivhaus standard, as part of their goal to become the most sustainable local authority in the UK by 2020. PCKO submitted the scheme for planning 26.11.12 and received planning permission 16.08 2013. As there were no objections from the local residents\r\nthe scheme was granted approval by delegated powers without reference to the planning committee.