Creekside Wharf
Copperas Street Greenwich London SE8 2DA
The redevelopment of Poplar Business Park includes a total of 4,000 sqft of public space. In addition to a landscaped pedestrian route and public squares, a semi-public courtyard and private rooftop amenity spaces are a huge asset to the development.
Planning History
The initial proposals for the redevelopment of Poplar Business Park were explored in 2009. A detailed planning application was first made in September 2010 but was subsequently withdrawn by the applicant. A detailed planning application was then made in 2011 and, although many of the new scheme were the same, these new proposals included revised 'footprints' for the taller elements to enable maximum views from adjacent existing dwellings and typologies were revised for the buildings which are now in brick. The revised proposals had the full support of CABE and the GLA, however the application was refused on the provision of affordable housing. This was appealed and the Inspector found in favour of the applicant, with consent granted in October 2013.