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Redclyffe Road

Redclyffe Road, Upton Park London E6 1DT


The siting and form of the buildings on each of the surrounding streets help to define the existing streets including the integration of existing street trees. New internal and external routes and a mix of public and private spaces are clearly defined within the scheme.\\r\\nThe scheme delivers a new managed route (West-East) through the site to the new canal side public realm space which is both well-defined and increases permeability towards the canal. The generous new canal side public space will serve as a new local landmark at this important gateway to Fish Island.\\r\\nThe landscape design includes private amenity space as well as spaces for children's play for 0-5 years, as well as communal residential gardens with their own unique characters including a wild flower garden and a sunken rain garden.\\r\\nThe scheme as a whole provides good quality publicly accessible open space which equates to 1,350m² new public space in front of the Lock Building as well as the managed east-west route of 720m² providing a\\r\\ntotal of approximately 2,070m².\\r\\nIn addition to the publicly accessible open spaces, the development provides 2925m² of shared & private residential garden space bringing the total amenity space created by the development up to 4,444m² or 47% of the total site area.\\r\\nOverall, the quantum and quality of amenity space exceeds the baseline minimum requirement set out in the Mayor's Housing SPG of 1800m².\\r\\nThe scheme delivers 16 new trees as part of the landscape proposal and a variety of flowering and vegetable/fruit plan species.

Planning History

Pre-application consultation was undertaken over a period of c. 20 months with the initial consultation taking place in September 2014. Working in close dialogue with the LLDC, the GLA, Historic England, LBTH, and local residents; the scheme has developed over this period. A full planning application was submitted in June 2015 with decision for approval received in February 2016.