Ivy Hall
300 Holly Park Crouch Hill London N4 4BL
The scheme provides 4836 m2 of amenity space, meeting and in many instances exceeding LHDG requirements. All units have access to both private and common amenity. Private provision is in the form of podium level patios for town houses and balconies and roof terraces for flats. Common amenity includes children's play area, outdoor exercise space, function room, covered barbeques area and rooftop allotments. In addition, 50 m2 is dedicated to internal storage allowing the concierge to take delivery of laundry and refrigerated food, for residents to collect at their convenience. A commercially managed gym is proposed at street level to be shared with the wider community.
Planning History
The Material Store forms part of the redevelopment of The Old Vinyl Factory (TOVF) in Hayes. An award winning masterplan for the site had received Outline Planning Consent in 2013. This anticipated subsequent applications for detailed consent for individual building/blocks, similar to other high profile projects across London. Newground Architects developed the design for The Material Store for submission for detailed planning in April 2015 and received consent in August. A second application in November 2015 to allow addition of three storey town houses was granted approval in January 2016.