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Urban housing for older residents

79 Fitzjohn's Avenue Hampstead London NW3


The balance between private and public outdoor spaces has carefully built upon the unique location, key views and established mature landscaping. Various character areas were set out which informed the design of the nature of streets and key nodes. Strong visual links to the site's varied surroundings has been achieved and mature trees have been afforded space with prominent setting and act as a green spine when moving through the area. An equipped play area for younger children is provided within easy walking access of the new homes.

Planning History

Newbury Racecourse was granted Outline planning permission in spring 2010 for the redevelopment of the overall site, which will not only continue to help safeguard the future of racing at Newbury, but also transform the 105 year old site into a much more dynamic business and leisure destination. The approved Outline planning consent includes a Section 106 legal agreement which details many financial contributions that will be made to improve infrastructure and services in the vicinity of Newbury Racecourse, for the benefit of the wider community. The Reserved Matters (RM) Planning Application for the Western Area was submitted and approved in 2011, with a subsequent RM approval for the mews housing proposals in 2013.