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Lincoln Square

18 Portugal Street London WC2A 2JE


-Streets designed to slow down cars and allow street play. -Robust low walls, metal railings and well-maintained shrub planting clearly defines the public realm. -Robust timber fencing provides privacy to gardens. -Modest recess at the front door of the bungalows allows residents to sit out. -Shared amenity space is provided to the rear of the bungalows. -Connections are reinforced to the existing children's play area and kick pitch nearby. -Private amenity space is to the side of the houses with recycling bins, garden shed (with cycle storage), parking and private amenity all neatly accommodated.

Planning History

-The planning application was submitted to Rochdale Borough Council on 20th December 2012 and consent was issued on 26th April 2013. -A number of pre-app meetings took place with the DCO prior to submission and these greatly assisted the development of the scheme and to gain the support of the local authority. -The planning process also involved a number of resident consultation events (see below). -The local authority supported the design concept and were willing to relax normal standards such as privacy distances, road widths etc. in order to accommodate this bespoke solution to a challenging design problem.