St Edmund's Terrace
50 St. Edmunds Terrace London NW8 7QP
Greenland Place presents an opportunity for new and meaningful open space, as public realm, creating connections to the neighbouring Linear Park. The design captures our vision to encourage an active and social community where this sequence of legible public spaces and green streets support a range of different activities within a distinctive neighbourhood feel. The movement patterns and visual connections focus on a main 'Garden Square'. This is an important place, planned around structured lawns, planting and seating to soften the space for a mixed residential and business population to enjoy. Early ideas for the Square considered how pop-up market stalls or community events, might populate and activate the space throughout the year. Nearby, a pocket park placed adjacent to the family houses, will become a place for children to play, close to their homes. At the heart of the main urban blocks, large green and attractive communal courtyards offer valuable amenity for the new residents, outlook from the surrounding apartments and a more tranquil place to play and relax safely. Every new home has private amenity provided as generous balconies and terraces.
Planning History
The Planning programme followed strategic land-use review by the LB Lewisham to encourage new mixed-use communities in the north of the Borough. The consultation process meant engagement with the Officers and DRP,the GLA and design critique from CABE. Approval was granted for the landowner by LB Lewisham and GLA in March 2012. Barratt London purchased the site later that year and considered a comprehensive review of the architectural character. Our approach, exploring a contemporary use of brickwork, was delivered through a series of phased Material and Non-Material applications, changing the character, but maintaining the Approved urban design rationale, block form and mass, and building layouts. This was developed with Officers giving confidence that this would be a holistic approach, albeit delivered through a sequence of separate Approvals. Completion for the first three phases was November 2015, with 2 further phases under construction.