Victoria Quarter, New Barnet
Land formerly known as British Gas PLC (Eastern), Barnet Holder Station, Albert Road, New Barnet, Herts London EN4 9SJ
A series of public spaces (Pymmes Square and Pymmes Walk) will improve the pedestrian linkage through the site to the recreation ground and local centre on East Barnet Road. This will provide new community and play spaces overlooked by the development. The development also provides significant amounts of public and private amenity with the apartment buildings located between shared amenity spaces connecting the developments landscape through to the adjacent recreation ground. The proposed nursery will also have it's own dedicated external space.
Planning History
The site was originally acquired by ASDA with the intention to build a 10,526m² food store with residential units over. An application which was submitted in January 2009 was later withdrawn due to the likelihood of it receiving a refusal on highways grounds. In September 2014 an application for the current proposals was submitted to Barnet for a residential led mixed use scheme comprising 305 dwellings, retail & commercial floor space, creation of new public open space, additions to the existing highways, creation of a basement car park and relocation of two sub-stations.