South Acton Phase 3.1
Vincent Road, South Acton Estate Acton W3 8UE
The scheme delivers a new public square as the main arrival point from South Acton Overground Station. Station Square will be a gateway pedestrian space animated by a cafe on the ground floor of the new building and integrated public art. The south facing raised communal courtyard for residents opens out over the existing allotment gardens alongside the railway line, and will benefit from excellent aspect and sunlight throughout the year. All apartments have their own balcony, roof terrace, or podium level garden, and the scheme is a 2 minute walk from the local recreation ground.
Planning History
In 2010, Countryside Properties and L&Q were selected by Ealing Council to regenerate the South Acton Estate. The approved South Acton masterplan replaces 1,600 dilapidated homes with 2,350 new dwellings and associated parks, streets and community facilities. \\r\\n\\r\\nPhase 3.1 was the first reserved matters planning application pursuant to the masterplan consent and was unanimously approved on 12 March 2014. The design proposals were informed by the masterplan parameters and the Design Code requirements for the South Gardens character area. The scheme is currently under construction with the new square and first block due for completion in September 2016.