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1-21 Bennington Close, Thornton Heath

53 and Land to R/O 45-55 Brigstock Road, Thornton Heath Croydon CR7 7JH


Two linear blocks face into a 'new pedestrian street / boulevard' creating an open courtyard in the centre of the site with a 'Home Zone' of pedestrian circulation. The boulevard landscape design adopts an organic form and rhythm to contrast with the contemporary cubic form of the architecture. The site also abuts a public park and playground facility known as Tumble Gardens with a designated children's play space and tennis courts. A secure and direct pedestrian access has been incorporated into this adjoining public park.

Planning History

In 1962 outline permission granted for the demolition of the existing properties and the erection of three storey blocks comprising 22 No flats . This was never implemented. In 1974 outline permission granted for the demolition of No 53 and the erection of a three storey block of 18 No two bedroom flats with garages and parking spaces. This was never implemented. In 2015 detailed planning consent was granted for 21 units under delegated powers. This is now currently on site.