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Bath Riverside B1/B2

75-76 Palladian, Victoria Bridge road, Bath, Somerset Bath BA2 3ET


The development was designed to maximise the benefits of open space while providing for the requirements of the Local Development Plan with regard to accessibility, servicing and car parking.\\r\\n\\r\\nThe site has been set out to a well-considered order. A high quality shared area is provided centrally for car parking and safe pedestrian and cycle access. Landscaping and a tree planting screen to the rear boundary enhances privacy for the development and it's neighbours.\\r\\n\\r\\nEach dwelling has the 70sq.m of private open space in the form of a private garden or in the case of the two central front houses, private terraced balconies are provided in addition. Each of the larger houses are provided with 2 dedicated car parking spaces, both off-street in a landscaped area in-front of the properties. The smaller mews house has one dedicated space at its front.

Planning History

The site had a previous consent for 12 apartments by another developer. A scheme was refused planning in September 2012. The concerns of the Local Authority were addressed and planning permission was granted in February 2013.