Queen Camel
Roman Way Queen Camel BA22 7FD
The northern edge and central areas of the site contain mature trees and will be enhanced by planting, wildflower areas and grass areas for amenity use. Informal play opportunities will be provided below the existing trees to the northern edge and designed as a 'doorstep play' area for children under 5 years old, including a trail of timber, cast stone and natural elements along with a new public path connecting to the wider movement network. Each new house will have a private external rear garden featuring a paved patio area and a grass lawn or a courtyard and some houses will also benefit from a roof terrace. Front gardens will include formal boundary hedges using plant species set out in the design code. The apartment building will incorporate roof terraces for residents and the large podium deck which will provide areas of seating and planting.
Planning History
The Millbrook Park development site has been subject to extensive consideration and consultation with stakeholders and the local community during the Action Area Plan process. An Outline Planning Application was submitted following the adoption by the London Borough (LB) of Barnet Council of the Action Area Plan in January 2009 and was subsequently approved in 22nd September 2011. The outline approval established the quantum of development, defined land uses, means of access, provision of an east-west link road through the site, details of the conversion of the former Officers' Mess building, the development parameters (as set out on a series of parameter plans), and the provisions of a suite of strategic development framework documents.) A Reserved Matters Application for 114 new build residential dwellings was submitted in March 2015 and subsequently approved in June 2015.