Coventry Court
437 Seaside Eastbourne BN22 7RU
The design respects the landscape setting created by existing trees and hedgerows. The inclusion of two balancing ponds and requirement for a green walkway between them provided an opportunity to integrate a large amount of amenity space within the strategic infrastructure, public bridle- way and rural edge beyond. Buildings have been positioned to give the existing trees sufficient room for future growth and wellbeing. The design was intended to reinforce the green corridors was set out at outline stage.
Planning History
The site is included in the adopted Local Development Framework (LDF), Core Strategy (2007). Design development of the site was considered against the Land West of Horsham Strategic Design Principles and Character Areas SPD (2009). The site benefitted from an outline planning permission for 963 dwellings which was approved at committee in January 2011. The site formed the second residential reserved matters application and gained Approval of Reserved Matters on 11th April 2013