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Cardiff Pointe

Cardiff Pointe, Empire Way, Cardiff, CF11 0JL Cardiff CF11 0JL


All homes have either a large roof terrace, a small garden, or both. Adjacent to the top of the site is a public park, and at the bottom of the site is the Riverside Walk. As well as shared surface pedestrian-prioritised streets, there are pedestrian paths, and a larger triangular piazza in the heart of the scheme, containing a communal refuse and recycling area and a residents' terrace and play area. On the quayside are three commercial units. Within the scheme are shared micro-allotments. Fifty metres away is the Tyne Bar, a famous music pub.

Planning History

The site is a post industrial vacant brownfield site. Its name comes from the famous Maling Pottery, once located nearby. The area has been in slow decline for decades. In 2005 planning permission was granted for a very dense apartment scheme. In 2010 1NG, the now defunct RDA, asked development partners to bid for a series of sites in the Ouseburn Mouth, and to make design proposals for the Malings site. The process was won by Carillion Igloo with architects Ash Sakula. Detailed planning permission was achieved in January 2013.