Greenwich Square
100 Vanbrugh Hill London SE10 9FT
This former hospital site has been transformed into a lively new destination with a range of local services. At the heart of the scheme is an attractive new 2,400m2 public square with a mixed use building wrapping around it. Working with Greenwich Council and the NHS, we've developed a vibrant new community hub that provides leisure, health and educational services under one roof. Active frontages along all the streets of the development create additional welcoming public space. Private spaces, including residents' courtyards, gardens and patios, are kept distinctly separate from public domain and offer secluded respite.
Planning History
The proposals were developed and secured with original planning consent in 2009, following extensive consultation with local residents and stakeholders, but then stalled due to the recession. When Hadley Mace was appointed as developer in 2012, we progressed a revised S106 agreement to reflect changes in the housing market, secured a series of planning amendments to rationalise the accommodation, and included the Greenwich Centre community facility. All this was accomplished without compromising the design quality or integrity. Make Architects was retained throughout the design and construction process to ensure the quality of the original masterplan followed through to the final details.