Florence Road
Florence Road East Ham London E6 1DZ
Each house is provided with a large private rear garden accessed from the living space which provides a combination of hard and soft landscaping. This private space is supplemented by a generous west-facing roof terrace which provides residents with an alternative amenity space as well as enlivening the street frontage. The wheelchair accessible house has a courtyard garden around which the house is wrapped which brings light into the heart of the house. A rear garden provides a more conventional private amenity space accessed from the living space. All of the houses have small front gardens attractively landscaped with soft landscaping, railings and discrete refuse enclosures to provide defensible space to the front of the houses.
Planning History
The planning officer met with the design team early in the design process to discuss preliminary concepts and potential planning constraints on the different sites. This was essential given the constrained nature of the sites. This meeting also assisted the planning officer to understand the principle of a prototype house that could be used across multiple sites. Further informal meetings continued with Development Control as the designs developed. The design for one of the sites was presented to Newham's Design Review Panel and the feedback fed into the designs for the different sites. The detailed planning application was submitted on 25th July 2013 and was granted consent at committee on 11th November 2013.