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The Scene

Hoe Street Walthamstow London E17 4RT


Breathing life into a previous builders' yard by framing it with the Terrace, Link, and Flatiron blocks, Ely court opens a new public garden square in front of Alpha House and provides over 100m2 of play space. The scheme reinstates block and street pattern of 19th C London 'suburb' by reintroducing the Mews, a shared surface with new street trees. All new homes feature private front and rear gardens, while all public spaces are overlooked by windows, residents' balconies, and roof gardens.

Planning History

Design/team/fee bid: May 2010 Stage A-D+:July-December 2010 Planning application recieved: 21 December 2010 Planning was granted: 22 March 2011 Developer/contractor tender: March 2011 - April 2012 Construction commenced: October 2012 Construction completed: December 2015.