Corner House
73 Charlotte Street London W1T
Public outdoor amenity space on GF western garden. Communal outdoor and indoor amenity space on Podium level (L02) and sky garden on East Tower L53
Planning History
A planning application was previously approved in 2007 for an office building on the site, which was a revision to an earlier office scheme granted planning permission in July 2003. The 2007 scheme was part 16 and part 26 commercial storeys, with a height of 121m. The permission has been implemented, with part construction of the basement having already taken place. Due to changed economic circumstances, demand for office developments was no longer strong at this location which is outside the core of Canary Wharf. A residential development has since been determined to be more appropriate for the site, which more closely responds to the Millennium Quarter and Tower Hamlets planning guidance. GHA was approached mid-2012 to design a residential building to exploit the exceptional waterside location and incredible views offered from upper levels