Underwood Road
22-28 Underwood Road London E4 9AW
Houses are arranged in a series of rows with front and rear gardens and on-plot parking all set within high quality landscaping and public realm. Boundaries to gardens are formed by hedges, timber bin enclosures and metal railings.\r\n\r\nVehicular access is from Springfield Lane and a tree-lined public route is created through the heart of the development leading to the Irwell. A children's play area sits at the junction of this public route and the Irwell footpath and additional tree planting adds greenery along the Irwell.
Planning History
* Planning pre-application - 19 December 2014\r\n* Public consultation - 24 February 2015\r\n* Planning application - 30 March 2015\r\n* Places Matter! Design review panel - 18 August 2015\r\n* Planning committee approval - 21 January 2015