Lyon House
3 Lyon Street, London N11DG
The key to the design is to restore and elevate the existing heritage and place it within a procession of new public spaces which reinstate some of the intimacy and charm of the old market town. A network of improved pedestrian and cyclist connections ensure the new development is both a destination and a natural extension to the existing town. The public spaces act as amenity for residents and have specific uses -a sculpture garden, seating, play facilities for young and old and open grassed areas adjoining the existing Central Park. Each home has access to a private garden, terrace or large balcony.
Planning History
The site was previously occupied by the Anglia Ruskin University prior to their relocation to the Rivermead Campus. The site is partly within a Conservation Area and contains significant existing buildings, including the grade II listed Anne Knight former Quaker meeting house. Outline planning was granted in 2003 for a large mixed-use scheme and was then sold to Genesis Housing Association in 2007. Genesis held a design competition and appointed PTE in 2008. The design evolved over the next three years in close consultation with Chelmsford Borough Council and was granted consent in February 2012.