Bacton Low Rise Regeneration Phase 1
Cherry Court 115 Wellesley Road London NW5 4AD
Communal amenity space is located at the heart of the development to ensure its use is optimised with early years play located in secure, well overlooked courtyard areas. The courtyard design evolved in response to the need for secure outdoor play places and as a provision of a practical social space for the residents. Courtyard play is separated from the houses by a pedestrianised street and terraces along the street act as clearly defined defensible spaces. The creation of active streetfronts and dynamic public realm is at the heart of the proposals through every level of the project from the street through the recessed balconies up to the spacious maisonette and townhouse roof terraces.
Planning History
Karakusevic Carson Architects (KCA) were appointed by Camden to undertake a feasibility study for regeneration of the existing estate and adjacent District housing office sites in 2011. This successful exercise enabled Camden to agree with Cabinet to progress the design to planning and KCA were appointed via OJEU process to develop the design proposals to a detailed planning application. The Bacton masterplan was separated into 3 sites enabling direct decant of the residents on the estate focusing on the needs of each individual household on the estate. Following planning approval in March 2013 we continued on with scheme to RIBA stage F. During this period Camden requested small amendments to the housing mix on Phase 1 owing to changes in circumstances for a number of existing residents. KCA then prepared a redesign of the first phase which was covered by a minor material amendment with the planning authority.